There are two great days in our life. First, the day we were born. Second, the day we prove why we were born. There is an ongoing quest justifying the very thought to find it out. Believe in your self and grow to the top of the world become mottos of life. Suddenly you realize that something is missing and after giving deepest of your thoughts and months & years of soul search you realize that may be lack of focus and living life as it comes is what require to enjoy the best in life.

Weekend after weekend you create a sense of passion for running. You start enjoying your run and try to complete the distance from India gate to Rashtrapati Bhawan which is of more than 2 km. One day while running, to your delight, you come close to your target and see the hazy panoramic view of Rashtrapati Bhawan, body demanding for a rest but your mind screaming “You can do it”. You keep running with sense of excitement. And then you touch down at Rashtrapati Bhawan with a feeling hard to describe. For a moment you feel surprised too and you ask yourself, ‘why to feel so excited about. It will not give glory or fame or medal for sake’, but still you want to live that very moment again and again.

Weeks passed by. Now the group has started running on all holidays and later at weekdays too. Now you are able to finish one complete loop of India Gate-Rashtrapati Bhawan-India Gate (approx 5 kms). It’s then you hear about Half Marathon, which covers a distance of 21km. The sheer thought of running the distance of 21 km excites you and your subconscious mind decides to give it a try. You feel like your answer perfectly fills the blank which might leave behind in life's text book.
You have four months of time to compete at Airtel Delhi Half-marathon 2009. Your challenge is to complete the Marathon . You start putting more effort with your friends. The passion for running is rising to its peak. You start focusing on diet, shoes, running gears and everything that matters to it. Your morning practice of one hour starts describing your entire day. If you practiced well you feel relaxed otherwise feel disappointed for rest of day. Your friends try hard to keep up the momentum. And now you are near to your date.
Suddenly like a crash landing, worst struck to your life and the day you complete trial run of 15km, you met with the worst leg injury in your life. It trashed your dreams and you feel like a dead end. Then you give a deep thought and find that your body was not running for almost 30years and suddenly you make him run. It is bound to have weak links and those week links are popping up giving you a tough time. Yet against all odds you decide to live life as it comes. You wait, wait and wait.

It’s 21st Nov 2010. Time is 6am. You are with your friends inside a car. From heart you are giving thanks to almighty & Guruji. Feeling a bit surprised too and somehow with each passing moment and as you are approaching the venue, Nehru Park (Vinay Marg), you feel more zest & vigor. It’s 7am. You are inside the gathering zone and ohh boy what an excitement. It’s out of the world. Feeling is hard to describe. You like to enjoy each and every moment of it. You imagined it thousand times but experiencing it for the first time. There are thousands of boys, girls, seniors, known faces, all standing together waiting for the green signal. Some taking snaps, others warming up, however all with a glow on faces.

I am not sure what you have gained out of it. However I know that I found my Passion. And as you all know, ‘To dream anything that you want to dream, that’s the beauty of human mind. To do anything you want to do, that’s the strength of human will. To trust yourself to test your limits, that’s the courage to succeed.’
My Guruji once said to me… "A Mountain is not higher than your confidence, because it will be under your feet, if you reach the top!"
(Dedicated to my Guruji and my Friends Sanjay Jindal, Anjuraj Singh, Hariom Gupta and Ashish Maini)
(Dedicated to my Guruji and my Friends Sanjay Jindal, Anjuraj Singh, Hariom Gupta and Ashish Maini)
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